Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tyler's Fourth Birthday

From Tyler's Bday 4
Tyler just celebrated his Fourth Birthday.  There was so much built up anticipation.  Just like Christmas, half the fun is in the waiting leading up to the day.  All of February, Tyler asked -- How many days until?? He couldn't wait for his party and all it entails -- presents, playtime with his friends, balloons, games, cake, and being the center of attention.  Anything and everything was related to preparation off his birthday.  We were watching a Japanese program, a bake off...  Tyler asked were we choosing his birthday cake from those?  

We celebrated it twice, once with his friends a few days earlier, and on the day with family in Taipei.  It was a nice little gathering at our house for lunch and some cake.  Many of his friends he knew since he was one and a half -- it's hard not to look at this group and just wonder where the time went!!  

From Tyler's Bday 4


OhChiik said...

Happy birthday little Babashillapu. Are those traffic cones on your hands?

LiuHuangFamily said...

Thank you, aunt judifer. Yes, they were a birthday gift from mom and dad