Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hot Wheels!

Tyler put on his first pair of rollerblades yesterday.  A friend's daughter was taking free lessons at the Zhubei Sports Center and invited us to join.  The coach even provide the blades and all protective gear -- a nice way to try the sport without investing in all the gear.  The practice area was right next to the stadium, "underneath the bleachers" which was a wide open area and provided some cover from the drizzle yesterday.

The first lesson is to learn "to walk" on skates.  The coach tied the front and back wheels so it wouldn't be so slippery.  A bit of friendly competition developed between Tyler and his friend.  Nothing like a bit of competition to really motivate.  =)

At first his legs were very wobbly. The challenge for Tyler was learning to take smaller steps... He's so eager to emulate the older kids zipping around.  After about 20 minutes of walking back and forth the pillars, Tyler was ready to go on his on without mom holding on- in fact he was pushing my arms away. The trick is to support them just enough that they don't fall hard, but let them still carry most of their weight so their legs get used to it --  kind of like parenting really....

He really had a blast and can't wait to go back next week.  

For his birthday, Steve and I got him a soccer ball + practice cones (the ones he was wearing on his hands on his bday).  When daddy gets home, they practice a little bit to our neighbors chagrin (I'm guessing, since they haven't complained yet.  I know, we're bad neighbors.)  He has this special fancy move where he's jogging in place before he kicks the ball -- it's really super cute.  I think he would really enjoy playing a team sport.


OhChiik said...

I personally do not enjoy rollerblades, but it sounds like fun for Tyler. Once he gets good, you could use the cones for some hockey-skater tricks?

This weekend I hung out w/ Steve and his daughter, learning that kids really don't think napping and reading the paper are all that fun. Okay, slight exaggeration. We did played some games and then walked to Dave & Busters for fun and games. But now that the weather is nice, I might suggest rollerblading on the next outing.

LiuHuangFamily said...

Is the zoo in town? Big Apple Circus? That's always a crowd pleaser. =)