Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Substitute English Teacher

Hi Steve, in case you're checking into the blog...  (Steve's travelling on business this week.)  Today, I filled in for an English Teacher at a bushiban to teach grammar to ten 3rd graders.  I did NOT know what to expect.  It's only for a few days before the regular teacher returns from a family emergency.  

Despite not having a joke at the ready (per Steve's suggestion), I think it went pretty well.  A few of the boys were disruptive, (talking to each other etc... and not raising their hands), but generally they're a bunch of bright kids.  At times, it felt a little out of control (hope I wasn't too soft on them).  It feels likes they were absorbing what I was telling them, but hard to tell.  Anyhow, it was fun interacting with the kids and hopefully they know all about "Adverbs" now and that "xx is a good people" is not proper english.  =)  I'll be happy if they took away one thing from my class.

Tyler's a bit moody ( I think from the antihistimines he's on ).  Because of his allergies, there's some fluid build up in his ears.  This was news to me that this can happen with allergies.  So we're on watch this week...  

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