Monday, March 23, 2009

Opera Night

Placido Domingo came to Taiwan to perform at the Miao Li Music Festival.  When we happened across this information,  Steve and I knew we had to get tickets.  His voice was absolutely thrilling, and I really enjoyed the evening off where it was just Steve and I.

It was at a sports stadium so it was quite a crowd - really people mountain people sea.  They made us park about 15 minutes away and they had shuttle buses that took you to the stadium.  In the few seconds before the performance started, you heard fur elise, the garbage truck music playing faintly in the night.  No mistaking that you weren't at the Met... Once the performance started though, it was easy to overlook all the little "quirks" about the logistics.  (too numerous to mention)

Domingo sang with a Chilean Soprano, arias from Tosca and LeCid and quite a few Spanish Operas we weren't familiar with.  Towards the end there were a few crowd pleasers, like Besame Mucho.  In total, there were 7!! encores - one being a Taiwanese folksong where everyone went crazy, and another a song by Placido Jr. set to a poem by Pope John Paul the II.

My voice was a bit raspy from all the Bravo's... it was quite an operatic evening.

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