Saturday, March 28, 2009

First Full Day

For the last two Fridays,  Tyler's been attending the afternoon sessions of a nearby English school. ( my attempt at a little babysitting so I can run errands ).    So this Friday, we were trying a full day.  When I mentioned this to Tyler the night before, and that we needed to pack some things to get ready he couldn't wait to pack and to go.  A sleeping bag for napping, a toothbrush for after lunch, a change of clothes just in case.  When we were finished packing, Tyler asked me when he was coming back.  I said 6pm.  He then asked, what day will I come back?  Saturday?  Sunday?   It was hard not to chuckle seeing him so excited to sleepover at the school.

Tyler did well.  Ate his lunch on his own, and at a brisk pace ( why so different at home - argh!!)  Cried a bit after losing at musical chairs (Chinese version called big wind blows) but otherwise ok.   Tyler being Tyler, I expected it to go smoothly.  (One mother we say hi to in the community was shocked that he's only 4.  She thought he was 7!)  But still in the back of my mind, you can't help but worry just a little.  This being the longest in the care of someone not family.  

It was a milestone day today.  Mom's really just so proud he did so well.

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