Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Birthday

From Liu Huang Family Blog

My birthday started out with Steve and Tyler taking me out to a nice out of the way Italian restaurant in Jhubei for lunch (our day starts late you see).  The decor was eclectic, cozy, cute.  They had a full functioning bar, so I ordered a Green Apple Martini...  What's in that, they ask?  Oh, nevermind.  How about a cosmo?  We can do that... Oh good. Ten minutes later, Steve points out the waiter who just came in the door has a pint of cranberry juice in his hand.  Makes me smile....  Reminds us of the time in London when I ordered a Milk Tea at an Indian restaurant years ago and same scenario... waiter comes back with a pint of milk.  It must be a gift of mine.  The cosmo finally comes 20 minutes later.  Ahh... it hits the spot.

Had a lovely day... For dinner, met grandpa, Da Gio Gio, Er Ar Yi for dinner at Ding Tai Fong.  Everyone was in a jolly mood... So good to see them...  I was "sharing" with them how at nearly four years old, Tyler now has an opinion of his own about EVERYTHING.  They chuckle, and remind me of when I was little recounting the story when I was angry at Grandpa and secretly threw his watch into the garbage can.  I've heard this story a million times, but it makes me smile to see them reminisce.  

So for dessert we go to our favorite French Bakery, Paul's.  In the picture above, you see Tyler can't wait for his chocolate Macaroons...  We wandered around the streets of Taipei, (really miss that about being in NYC) for a while, and took the High Speed Rail home.   

So for my birthday wishes, I had three   1. was to be able spend more time with Steve and 2. for Tyler's health.  3. keep in touch with loved ones more.  One already came true... Tyler's ear infection is nearly gone so we can avoid surgery.  Hallelujah!!  What a great way to start out my 36th year!!

From Liu Huang Family Blog

From Liu Huang Family Blog


OhChiik said...

Happy birffday, Dooli-o! Sounds like you had a good one.

I didn't know that Ty was into macarons. Those are my favorites, too.

LiuHuangFamily said...

3Q!! Yeah, Tyler really like them. Not sure if it's b/c they look like hamburgers. =) I'm partial to this nice puff pastry they have with a generous chocolate filling.