Thursday, July 9, 2009

Spring 2009 (March to June)

Here are some pictures from March to June... You can click on the photo to bring you to the photo album in Picasa.

Visiting the Panda Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan in Muzha Zoo.
From Spring 2009

Our best shot of Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan after standing on line. We only had 2 minutes in front of the window.
From Spring 2009

Tyler's drawing on trainride home from zoo.
From Spring 2009
Learning to Roller Blade. Think he got his athletic genes from his mom.
From Spring 2009

Weekend trip to beautiful Yilan... Everything is greener, and the air fresher.
From Spring 2009

At the Yilan Cultural Center - Handmade dough figures - so intricate!
From Spring 2009

Searching for the fireflies in Beipu. (one of the two or three failed attempts to find fireflies)
From Spring 2009

Jennifer's visit to Taiwan. Family get together.
From Spring 2009

First visit to the beach after weeks of Spring showers...
From Spring 2009

From Spring 2009

Farewell party at Owl Class. Many are starting pre-K/Kindergarten in the Fall.
Goodbye friends!
From Spring 2009

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