Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chinese Medicine

Last week, I took Tyler to a Chinese medical doctor in Taipei.  (is this the term in english?)  Anyhow, the doctor came highly recommended by a friend.  And most importantly, my friend's son avoided getting tubes in his ear after getting treated by this particular doctor.  So I have high hopes.

This is really my first experience with Chinese medicine.  It took me by surprise that all the doctor did was to "take his pulse", looked at his tongue, and asked about bowel movements.  That was all before she wrote her prescription.

So when Tyler finished his course of Antibiotics today, I started him on the Chinese meds.  In my mind, I was dreading negotiations with him after every meal explaining why he needs to take the "strange smelly" medicine.  So to my pleasant surprise he drank the concoction within a blink of an eye.... saying it "tastes a little bad, but it's sweet."  The honey added in seem to do the trick.

1 comment:

OhChiik said...

I'm still in favor of the idea that we should learn the remedies that Ah-Tzo used to make.