Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mr. GQ

Fresh off of the runways, is Mr. Tyler GQ!  Tyler is looking dapper in the 3-piece suit grandmother, sent from the states.  Just one more week until the wedding for Uncle Chen Yi, when Tyler walks down the aisle as honorary ring bearer.  

duh, dum-dum...

To Tyler, this is his "going to work" clothes.  He was quick to try it on for size, when I said he will look just like Daddy when he goes to work.   So cute!


OhChiik said...

I totally approve.
Very Alex P. Keaton.

LiuHuangFamily said...

I just hope he's not a republican like his daddy.

OhChiik said...

Wait, he's a Republican?
Say it ain't so Rello...