Saturday, October 25, 2008

Greetings from Hokkaido, Japan!

This is my first and probably last posting from Japan. For the past week, we've been travelling around the beautiful island of Hokkaido (western part). We've been of course enjoying the freshest sashimi / seafood ever, and soaking in the oh-so relaxing japanese baths. There's something quite nice and liberating having a soak outdoors. It's also been fun practicing my Japanese which Ihaven't used in ten years!!!

We'll be spending our last day tomorrow in Sapporo, and planning to visit the Sapporo Beer Factory which should be interesting. It's been a nice family vacation, something fun for everyone... of course at the moment is probably not the best time to visit Japan with the yen at a high of 95 yen to a dollar!!! Anyhow, will post some pictures when I get home.

Ja, Mata ato de.... ( until later....)

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