Sunday, October 12, 2008

Byrdie on the mend

We noticed Byrdie was sluggish and not herself this past week.  She didn't come to the door right away to greet Steve and seemed to lose her appetite which is a rare occurrence indeed.  After a blood test at the Vet, we found out her gall bladder count was abnormally high.  It ended up that the pack of peanuts Byrdie managed to get her paws on when she was home alone put too much stress on her organs. (salt and fat)  The doctor said at her age, this could be quite serious if her organs shut down.  It was no fun to see her sick.  After two days on the IV at the clinic, she was on the mend.  Byrdie usually rides shot gun, and this time she didn't curl up in the chair as she had the past week.  She perched herself on the armrest and I rolled down the window as she looked out the window.  Thank goodness, Byrdie's back.


OhChiik said...

Oh no!

I'm glad the Byrdster is feeling almost back to her old self.

LiuHuangFamily said...

Me too. She's still not 100% but it's good to see her wag her tail.