Saturday, October 25, 2008

Greetings from Hokkaido, Japan!

This is my first and probably last posting from Japan. For the past week, we've been travelling around the beautiful island of Hokkaido (western part). We've been of course enjoying the freshest sashimi / seafood ever, and soaking in the oh-so relaxing japanese baths. There's something quite nice and liberating having a soak outdoors. It's also been fun practicing my Japanese which Ihaven't used in ten years!!!

We'll be spending our last day tomorrow in Sapporo, and planning to visit the Sapporo Beer Factory which should be interesting. It's been a nice family vacation, something fun for everyone... of course at the moment is probably not the best time to visit Japan with the yen at a high of 95 yen to a dollar!!! Anyhow, will post some pictures when I get home.

Ja, Mata ato de.... ( until later....)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday Blues

Steve left for a conference on Sunday, so it's just me, Tyler and Byrdie for the next few days.  Both Tyler and I came down with a bug this weekend so no "wild parties" while daddy is away.  =)  When we found out that the costumes are out at RT Mart (the local supermarket), of course we had to make a special trip.  Here's Tyler in his new amazing Spidey costume.  We miss you Daddy, if you're checking into the blog.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cousin Chen Yi's Wedding

Here's my cousin Chen Yi with his bride Yu Ching... moments before walking down the aisle.  Their wedding was held at one of the banquet hall in the Mitsukoshi Taipei.  Moments before the groom was running around ironing out the last minute details.. he seemed happy, nervous, all at the same time.  Little brother Chen Wei was the ring bearer.  While they were waiting to walk, the diamond ring fell off the pillow and rolled to the ground.  The officiant kept it for safekeeping thereafter.  

Here is Tyler with the rest of the flower girls and boys.  Being the youngest of the bunch (5 yrs, and over 10 yrs) I think he handled himself incredibly well!  All the jitters and nerves left as he was waiting for the cue to walk down the aisle.  

This very morning, Tyler had a little spill which left him with a big goose egg right on his forehead.  Thankfully, we nursed it with a ice pack and it virtually went away.  Here's Tyler waiting so patiently.  If I can figure out how to upload videos to picasa, I'll try to get the clip of the procession.

Double Ten Day Off

For Double Ten Holiday (birth of Taiwan Republic) we planned to spend the day at Flying cow ranch, but took a little detour in SanYi.  We just drove around, and decided to stay in the little town of Sheng Shing.  It was the 100th anniversary of the Sheng Shing Train station (no longer operational).  It was packed with people, and I imagine when the Tong Hua trees are in bloom, another draw of this place, it would be crazy busy.  So here's a picture of the remnants of a nearby bridge.

We're enjoying our little fan tuan (rice balls) picnic in front of the train station.  

And here's some drummer boys making it more festive.

Byrdie on the mend

We noticed Byrdie was sluggish and not herself this past week.  She didn't come to the door right away to greet Steve and seemed to lose her appetite which is a rare occurrence indeed.  After a blood test at the Vet, we found out her gall bladder count was abnormally high.  It ended up that the pack of peanuts Byrdie managed to get her paws on when she was home alone put too much stress on her organs. (salt and fat)  The doctor said at her age, this could be quite serious if her organs shut down.  It was no fun to see her sick.  After two days on the IV at the clinic, she was on the mend.  Byrdie usually rides shot gun, and this time she didn't curl up in the chair as she had the past week.  She perched herself on the armrest and I rolled down the window as she looked out the window.  Thank goodness, Byrdie's back.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mr. GQ

Fresh off of the runways, is Mr. Tyler GQ!  Tyler is looking dapper in the 3-piece suit grandmother, sent from the states.  Just one more week until the wedding for Uncle Chen Yi, when Tyler walks down the aisle as honorary ring bearer.  

duh, dum-dum...

To Tyler, this is his "going to work" clothes.  He was quick to try it on for size, when I said he will look just like Daddy when he goes to work.   So cute!