Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Children's Museum in Taipei

Tyler and I drove up to Taipei today for a little field trip to see Nai Nai (grandmother).  We met at the Children's Museum in Taipei and basically stayed there for the entire day.  There were plenty of activities to keep us occupied.  Here's Tyler pretending to be a newscaster.
Pretending to be a dentist.  Tyler was sporting a doctor's lab coat checking out Nai Nai's teeth.  Note to self --- please charge camera to avoid running out of juice next time.
And a checkout clerk, with a real cash register, UPC code scan and the whole shebang.  Playing with Nai Nai, is always lots of fun.  We plan to visit the museum again soon, before they close in November =(.  (at least temporarily until they find a new location)

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