Thursday, September 11, 2008

Music Class

The insect theme continues in Music class... I think Tyler has buddhist inclinations .  As part of the whole mosquito song and dance, the teacher at the end does a clap and pretends to kill the mosquito.  Last week, Tyler was a bit reticent when the teacher did that.  And this week, he just sat to the side and didn't want to participate.  He was actually ok for the rest of the class.  Truth be told, I've zapped a real mosquito in front of Tyler before with no negative responses from him.  Not too clear what exactly bothered Ty, and he's not forthcoming with the details either...

Actually I was a bit put off by the whole "killing the mosquito" song too.  Not that I think the kids will grow up into murdering psychopaths, but there's really no need.  Another song I thought could've taken a more positive spin was the "bee song."  Buzzing from flower to flower and pollination and the whole bit... could be fun.  Rather, the teacher handed out a gauzy fabric and at certain parts of the music had them cover their heads so they wouldn't "get stung."  

Ok, chill mom.  It's not a big deal, but just not how I would go about these classes.


Unknown said...

Re: Mosquito song
May be you can find out what bother tyler is the song itself or the action of killing mosquito.
We have mosquito problem in house, and I would like to kill them all especially after Westnile virus problem here. Find a way to let him know Why it is necessary to kill mosquito if he is really bothered by that. Una

OhChiik said...

I know where you're coming from about being positive, but mosquitoes really suck (literally and figuratively). I can't think of one good aspect regarding mosquitoes. Not one. I hate them so.

LiuHuangFamily said...

They're so common in Taiwan, I think I've gotten somewhat indifferent to them. They also seem to like to bite me too. We put on a lot of repellent, and hope for the best.

Good point about the disease carrying thing... will mention that to Tyler.

OhChiik said...

Not the overstate the whole mosquito thing but, in Galveston, TX, after the wake of Hurricane Ike:

"The pools of standing water were creating breeding zones for mosquitoes, which were beginning to fill the air, and city officials asked the county to begin spraying to kill the larvae. One man was found on the street with more than 1,000 mosquito bites, said Alicia Cahill, a spokeswoman for the city. He was airlifted to a hospital." (New York Times, 9/16/2008)