Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to Classes

It's September, back to school month, and all of Tyler's old classes have started up again.  Today was music class (the teacher tells a story, sings a song, and there's a few activities which lets the kiddies run around the classroom).  Usually there's a theme, maybe a holiday, animals, flowers, etc...  The theme today was mosquitos?!?Of all the things the teacher can choose I wonder...  Anyhow, next week will be cicadas.  Did you know that it's the female mosquitos that feed on the blood, and the male cicadas that sing?  A bit of insect trivia.  =)

As Tyler was happily beating away on his tambourine, I noticed that there were some familiar faces but many were newbies, mostly between the ages of 2 - 3.  It seemed like yesterday, Tyler was the youngest one, barely 2.  And here he is now a big boy at 3 and 1/2!!  

No longer needing the backup diaper at night, and sleeping in his own room through the night (most of the time), Ty's hit some big milestones in the last month.  Of course there's some biggies we're still trying to conquer, like eating our meal without running around between bites and within 1 hour!!!  We shall persevere....  There are times when they really do surprise you.  Little chores and habits that used to take constant chasing after usually accompanied by some whining and tears , all of a sudden became a bit easier -- like flossing/brushing teeth, putting shoes in the closet, washing hands as first order of business after getting home.  So good job Tyler!  

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