Sunday, March 4, 2012

Reviving the blog

Two years since my last blog update, WOW. I originally started the blog to try to keep in touch with Mom and Sis better, and so they would feel more involved in the day-to-day. At some point, I don't know if I lost interest or I just felt my words were just going out into the ethernet. Reading past entries, it was nice to relive and remember the precious little moments.

Feeling the itch to revive the blog... let's see if this itch persists.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tyler's First Week in School

We made it through first week of school - yay!! "We" because it really is a major adjustment for the parents as much as for the kiddos. After a teary first week, I definitely see signs that Tyler is coming around. The teachers have been great, particularly the principal who we really like. (Very experienced, warm individual) and Tyler really responds to her.

Today we set up a mini- play date after school today to acquaint him with one his classmates. One of his major worries is that everyone is unfamiliar so think this should help (Thanks Karen for the idea) We also put down on a list things (school-related) that Tyler's worried about and will bring it to discuss the 4 items with the teacher tomorrow. Actually most of them have been discussed with the teachers previously at different times, but I'm hoping this little process makes him feel like he's actively doing something about his worries.

What a dramatic week... not to mention the Typhoon that hit. The rains hit Hsinchu hard, but not debilitating like in the south where houses were getting washed away. We were actually able to drive up to Taipei on Sunday to treat Tyler to the new Pixar movie in 3D.

So hard to say how the rest of August will go... There will still be some more teary mornings, but we're definitely making some progress!

First Day of School - Picture of concentration. Not such a happy camper.

First Day: All the worried Moms and Dads - Got to clear out by 9am!

Finally! some sun on 3rd day - Time at Playground

Having a sad day - It really breaks your heart.

First Time Walking around Campus - Look Bananas! (There's also Pomelo I hear)

Six things to do when arriving at school - 1. Say Good morning! 2. Put away your book bag 3. Put away your mess kit (bowls/utensils) 4. Put away your water bottle 5. Wash your hands 6. Sit down and drink some water

Principal of Tyler's school -- 園長媽咪

Music Class

Green Light Red Light 123 - Lots of room to run around

Today (6th day) -- LOL! Finally an all out laugh. Surrounded by the ladies...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Spring 2009 (March to June)

Here are some pictures from March to June... You can click on the photo to bring you to the photo album in Picasa.

Visiting the Panda Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan in Muzha Zoo.
From Spring 2009

Our best shot of Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan after standing on line. We only had 2 minutes in front of the window.
From Spring 2009

Tyler's drawing on trainride home from zoo.
From Spring 2009
Learning to Roller Blade. Think he got his athletic genes from his mom.
From Spring 2009

Weekend trip to beautiful Yilan... Everything is greener, and the air fresher.
From Spring 2009

At the Yilan Cultural Center - Handmade dough figures - so intricate!
From Spring 2009

Searching for the fireflies in Beipu. (one of the two or three failed attempts to find fireflies)
From Spring 2009

Jennifer's visit to Taiwan. Family get together.
From Spring 2009

First visit to the beach after weeks of Spring showers...
From Spring 2009

From Spring 2009

Farewell party at Owl Class. Many are starting pre-K/Kindergarten in the Fall.
Goodbye friends!
From Spring 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

First Full Day

For the last two Fridays,  Tyler's been attending the afternoon sessions of a nearby English school. ( my attempt at a little babysitting so I can run errands ).    So this Friday, we were trying a full day.  When I mentioned this to Tyler the night before, and that we needed to pack some things to get ready he couldn't wait to pack and to go.  A sleeping bag for napping, a toothbrush for after lunch, a change of clothes just in case.  When we were finished packing, Tyler asked me when he was coming back.  I said 6pm.  He then asked, what day will I come back?  Saturday?  Sunday?   It was hard not to chuckle seeing him so excited to sleepover at the school.

Tyler did well.  Ate his lunch on his own, and at a brisk pace ( why so different at home - argh!!)  Cried a bit after losing at musical chairs (Chinese version called big wind blows) but otherwise ok.   Tyler being Tyler, I expected it to go smoothly.  (One mother we say hi to in the community was shocked that he's only 4.  She thought he was 7!)  But still in the back of my mind, you can't help but worry just a little.  This being the longest in the care of someone not family.  

It was a milestone day today.  Mom's really just so proud he did so well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photo Montage of Tyler's Classes at Owl (Fall 08)

Eventhough Tyler doesn't officially attend pre-k, he attends classes at "Owl," a bushiban in the afternoon for older kids, and in the mornings "classes" for 3-4 year olds.  It's a wonderful environment with small class size (8-10), a great big classroom (bright and clean too!), wonderful teachers and a proprietor with attention to detail.  All parents received a little portfolio of artworks/pictures from fall/winter 08, but recently they gave us a CD with all these wonderful photos of the kids in classes. Tyler only attended two days a week since it's a bit far from our house, but seeing all these photos it seems all worth it.  Here are some photos from his classes, you can click to take you to the Picasa Album with all the photos.

Teacher Pei Yu - Teaching the kids where rice comes from (she's holding up the chinese character for uncooked rice (grain))
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Fun with rice - Making Fan Tuan (rice balls)
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Reaping the rewards.  
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Balancing act
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Pretending to be rabbit??  I just like this photo.
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Cute little chickadees
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Nature Class - learning about seeds
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Pretending to be a sprout?  Like this photo too.
From Tyler's Owl Class Fall 08

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Substitute English Teacher

Hi Steve, in case you're checking into the blog...  (Steve's travelling on business this week.)  Today, I filled in for an English Teacher at a bushiban to teach grammar to ten 3rd graders.  I did NOT know what to expect.  It's only for a few days before the regular teacher returns from a family emergency.  

Despite not having a joke at the ready (per Steve's suggestion), I think it went pretty well.  A few of the boys were disruptive, (talking to each other etc... and not raising their hands), but generally they're a bunch of bright kids.  At times, it felt a little out of control (hope I wasn't too soft on them).  It feels likes they were absorbing what I was telling them, but hard to tell.  Anyhow, it was fun interacting with the kids and hopefully they know all about "Adverbs" now and that "xx is a good people" is not proper english.  =)  I'll be happy if they took away one thing from my class.

Tyler's a bit moody ( I think from the antihistimines he's on ).  Because of his allergies, there's some fluid build up in his ears.  This was news to me that this can happen with allergies.  So we're on watch this week...