Monday, August 25, 2008

To Pre-K or not?

Monday morning is clay class.  This is the 7th class and Tyler's little fingers are getting quite good at rolling and kneading.  Teacher Serena commented that Tyler tends to be very neat in his work -- hmm, probably takes after Steve in this regard.  Last night I mapped out Ty's activities in September, and without attending pre-k, it looks like Tyler will still have one major activity/class per day.  Most of the classes, like the clay class will still right in our apt. complex which is convenient.  So the plan is  pre-k in the spring if Mom can find a Chinese-speaking environment, with less than 10 per class, and nice facilities (ideally with a nice outdoor playground).  So the search for pre-k continues....


Unknown said...

This makes me think that Auntie Judifer should start on her Life Lessons for Tyler series...

I can write pieces, teaching him some things you don't learn in school.

OhChiik said...

Where did he get the Hamtaro calendar?

LiuHuangFamily said...

Teacher Serena provides all the materials for the clay + calendar which is nice.

The life lessons would be great.

Unknown said...

Hi, You must have a lot of time to work on this fun stuff. I really enjoy it. Thanks.

LiuHuangFamily said...

Hi, I'm glad you're tuning in and enjoying it... It takes time but it's important.

Well, I really have been thinking about doing this for sometime.. And pictures just doesn't seem to be enough any more to keep up with the ins and outs of what's going on in our life, and Tyler's growth.

Lately, Tyler's just been more proactive, e.g. putting shoes in the closet, and putting his toys away after baths... A big milestone! but hard to document and share in a picture... =)

OhChiik said...

Hey, I'm not sure I ever reached the milestone of putting my shoes in the closet in clearing out my stuff after baths.