Monday, August 25, 2008

Painting Wood Animals at SanYi

This past weekend we went to SanYi (known for wood carvings) to paint wood ducks.  Originally an exporter of duck decoys, this little workshop in SanYi provides the paint, the animal wood carving, and materials to anyone who wants to get creative.  Tyler insisted on painting his duck in Spiderman colors (of course) and Steve's green egret(?) with intricate spirals and detailing came out quite beautiful.  It's nice to see Steve unwind after a long week, and for the whole family to spend some quality time together.


Unknown said...

Nice details on Rello's bird. How did the Spideygret turn out?

(Rello looks like he's slimmed down a lot)

Unknown said...

Okay, I just looked at the picasa photostream and saw the Spider Duck. It's pretty funny.