Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Out Come the Ear Tubes

Tomorrow morning, Tyler is scheduled for doctor's appointment to take out the tubes in his ear.  The tubes in the right ear came out on it's own but the ear drum needs a little help to heal.  The left one is still in and no sign of it coming out.  Unfortunately Tyler won't let the Doctor reach in their with his tweezers to grab them, so Tyler needs to go under again....  Basically go through the same process more than a year ago when he had the procedure.  To make this as untraumatic as possible, we haven't told him he'll be going into the surgical room.

But today we had a wonderful day spent doing some Christmas baking at our friend's Sarah's house.  Making sugar cookies and gingerbread men.  The moms had as much fun as the kiddos decorating the Gingerbread Men and Women.  The cookies are for the Christmas party on Saturday (yup this Saturday.  A bit early, but necessary given everyone's travel plans).  Really looking forward to the event.  Being in Taiwan, you're not bombarded with the Christmas Carols playing in the stores, and Christmas decorations in store windows, or even having Thanksgiving Holiday to remind you that Christmas is around the corner.  So you really need to create your own little Christmas winter wonderland.

Here's a link to more pictures from cookie baking...


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